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Air Quality

1-hr PM2.5 reading (µg/m3) Band Descriptor
0 - 55 1 Normal
56 - 150 2 Elevated
151 - 250 3 High
>=251 4 Very High
1-hr PM2.5 reading (µg/m3)

Maps are to be used solely for displaying air quality/hotspot information, and not for any other purpose. All maps are not to scale and are for illustrative purposes only.

PM2.5 sub-index
PM10 sub-index
SO2 sub-index
O3 sub-index
CO sub-index
NO2 sub-index


The hotspots are derived from satellite data and may be affected by cloud cover and the satellite coverage

Refer to Meteorological Service Singapore for more details

Latest Weather and Haze Situation

A few showers were observed over parts of northern and southeastern Mekong sub-region today while the rest of the sub-region continued to experience dry conditions. From latest satellite imagery, clusters of widespread hotspots were detected in Lao PDR while scattered hotspots were detected elsewhere in the Mekong sub-region. Widespread moderate to dense smoke plumes were observed to emanate from clusters of hotspots in northern and southern Lao PDR drifting towards the northeast into parts of northern and central Viet Nam. Moderate to dense transboundary smoke plumes were also observed to drift from eastern Myanmar into northern Thailand and from northern Thailand into northern Lao PDR. Moderate smoke haze was observed to envelop large parts of Myanmar, some parts of eastern Thailand, as well as northern and western Cambodia. Thick cloud cover over northern, southern and eastern parts of the Mekong sub-region made it difficult to discern the full hotspot and smoke haze situation there. Many air quality stations in the northern, central and eastern Mekong sub-region reported air quality with Unhealthy levels, with a few reporting Very Unhealthy levels.

Over the southern ASEAN region, scattered showers were observed except over parts of central Borneo, which was relatively dry. Few to isolated hotspots were detected in Peninsular Malaysia and Sumatra but no significant smoke plumes were observed.
Updated on 5:43 PM 25 April

Weather and Haze Outlook

Over the next few days, dry weather is still expected to persist over most parts of the Mekong sub-region, elevated hotspot activity and widespread transboundary haze can be expected to continue in the region. The prevailing winds over the northern ASEAN region are forecast to blow from the southeast or south except over the northern and western parts Mekong sub-region where light and variable winds are forecast.

For the southern ASEAN region, rainy weather is expected over most parts of the region which should help keep the hotspot situation subdued. The prevailing winds over the southern ASEAN region are expected to be light and variable in direction.
Updated on 5:43 PM 25 April



dense haze legend
Dense Haze
moderate haze legend
Moderate Haze
hotspot legend
wind legend
2500ft wind
wind speed legend
Wind speed (km/h)

Health Advisory

How to Plan Outdoor Activities During Haze